05 Januari 2008

Resouces (Sumber Daya/Fasilitas Untuk Anggota)

Training Library (Pustaka Latihan)
Dapatkan informasi penting yang anda perlukan agar sukses di SFI! Pada bagian ini, anda akan menemukan artikel eksklusiv, laporan para ahli, sesi training audio, pertanyaan umum yang sering ditanyakan (FAQ), dan banyak lagi. Semuanya dirancang untuk membantu anda memaksimalkan sistem SFI dan kesempatan meraih income.
Marketing (pemasaran)
Di sini, anda akan menemukan pusat lokasi untuk gerbang website anda (gateway), banner, teks iklan, flyer, dan alat marketing lainnya, seperti berbagai tips, nasihat, dan metode pemasaran untuk setiap program dan produk SFI.
EyeEarn Co-op
Belajar bagaimana anda menerima bagian dari ratusan affiliate yang mendaftar di seluruh dunia (secara personal yang anda sponsori) oleh jaringan periklanan EyeEarn (EyeEarn Co-op Advertising Network).
Sponsorship & Team-Building Tools
Access tools designed specifically to help you build your GenTeam (those affiliates who appear in your Genealogy). In addition to your business reports, you can access the Gift Certificate Manager, start your own advertising co-op for your GenTeam, check the status of your affiliates, and more.
SFI Discussion Board
Got questions? Stop by the Discussion Board for valuable training, advice, and tips from SFI affiliates worldwide!
International Affiliate Resources
Check out this easy-to-read rundown of the many SFI resources and opportunities specifically for those living or targeting business and/or customers outside the U.S.
Hit Tracking
A handy counter for viewing the amount of traffic coming to your SFI Gateway Websites. Available to Executive Affiliates and above.
Key Code Tracking
Pinpoint and track your most effective marketing methods for recruiting new members to your SFI team. Available to Executive Affiliates and above.
Other Resources
Includes a Local SFI Affiliate Search, letting you find out how many SFI Affiliates are living in your ZIP Code (U.S.) or country, and SFI Wallpaper you can use to decorate your computer desktop.

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