04 Januari 2008

3 Langkah Sederhana untuk Sukses di SFI

Sukses dengan SFI... "sesederhana 1,2,3!"


Setiap orang yang mulai di SFI sebagai seorang Affiliate.

Qualifikasi: Tinggal daftar saja...gratis!
Biaya : Tidak ada (gratis)

Sebagai seorang Affiiate, anda mendapatkan:

30% komisi untuk setiap penjualan (dibayar langsung ke Kartu Cash SFI anda).

A valuable spot in the SFI companywide Powerline for 30 days (your spot can be locked in by advancing to the rank of Executive Affiliate)

Access to hundreds of exciting products and services you can promote and sell. SFI takes care of all orders, product shipments, and customer service for you at no cost.

• More than 20 FREE, personalized "Gateway" Websites you can use to market your products and/or the SFI business opportunity.

• Access to the SFI Affiliate Center featuring hundreds of free marketing aids, powerful business tools, and valuable training resources to help you start building your new global business empire.


If you're serious about success, you'll want to "go executive" as soon as you can.

Qualifications: Just 10 SVP (Sales Volume Points) a month
Costs or fees: None required

As an Executive Affiiate (EA), you get:

• ALL Affiliate benefits (listed above), PLUS...

Ongoing income on everyone under you in the Powerline! As an EA, you'll lock in your valuable position in the SFI companywide Powerline.

• A share of every sale and purchase from every SFI affiliate worldwide who joins SFI after you (known as Residual Income)!

• A guaranteed commission check every month!

Double retail sale commissions, from 30% to 60%!

• Up to 200% Executive Match income.

Up to 56% off on SFI's most popular products via wholesale pricing!

• Commissions on Niceoffers.com (NOC) activity generated by your personally sponsored affiliates (PSAs). Each time one of your PSA's merchants have an NOC coupon redeemed, YOU earn a commission! Each time one of your PSA's NPOs (non-profit organization) runs a fundraiser, YOU earn a commission!

• Commissions on SFI MERCHANT SERVICES activity generated by your personally sponsored affiliates (PSAs). Each time one of your PSAs participating merchants accepts a credit card for a transaction, YOU earn a commission!

FREE access to valuable business-building tools—such as Co-op Manager, Hit Tracking, Eagle Co-op, Key Codes, and more—designed to help you produce more team upgrades and increase your commissions.

• FREE, single-click group messaging. Send messages, newsletters, training articles, etc. to your organization.


If you're interested in creating a full-time income or, better yet, an income that your doctor or dentist would envy, set your sights on becoming a Team Leader.

• Just 10 SVP (Sales Volume Points) a month
• Just 5 personally sponsored Executive Affiliates
Costs or fees: None required

As an Team Leader (TL), you get:

• ALL Affiliate and EA benefits (listed above), PLUS...

• Higher retail sales commissions, from 60% to 80%!

Instant-Pay Commissions (Coming soon: get your Retail Commissions and Executive Matches paid directly to your SFI Cash Card for instant access to your commissions)!

• Team Match income! As a TL, you'll earn unlimited 8% matches infinitely deep in your organization!

For example, if you and every affiliate in your group sponsor just five affiliates, your team would look like this:

• 5 on your 1st generation (personally sponsored affiliates)
• 25 affiliates on your 2nd generation
• 125 affiliates on your 3rd generation
• 625 affiliates on your 4th generation
• 3125 affiliates on your 5th generation
• 15,625 affiliates on your 6th generation
• 78,125 affiliates on your 7th generation

That's Team Match commissions on 97,650 affiliates!!

• TL Express Service (expedited support and responses to your questions and requests).

• Ability to create your own SFI ads and promotions (with approval).

TL Levels & Requirements: (These TL levels are designed for recognition purposes within SFI and your team.)
Bronze Team Leader - 5 sponsored EAs
• Silver Team Leader - 10 sponsored EAs
• Gold Team Leader - 20 sponsored EAs
• Platinum Team Leader - 40 sponsored EAs



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